Oysters Blog

The Times I Didn’t Dare To Eat Oysters

Why Didn’t I Eat Oysters Before? Before I started eating oysters, I knew nothing about them. I had briefly seen them in supermarkets and always skipped them quickly when I ran into them on restaurant menus. In fact, I didn’t dare eat oysters for a long time because oyster-lovers always talked about the weird way […]

Oysters Blog

Gillardeau Oysters – Oyster’s Rolls-Royce

This oyster is called “Rolls-Royce” or “Hermes” and you should not be disappointed. Gillardeau oysters are also counterfeited quite a lot in the world, which is why they have the laser logo – G – Gillardeau on them. Of course, it doesn’t look perfect on every oyster, but it does exist.

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