200 phenomenal facts about Oysters you should know about


We bet you love these salty mollusks if you are here and reading this. Oysters are one of my favorite delicacies out of many people who simply cannot stand them. The slimy texture and unique taste of the ocean are not for all. But those who love to shuck and slurp them can hardly imagine a life without eating oysters!

So, do you know all about them? Are you aware of the types of oysters, or does their pearl-making ability astonish you? If you want to know about these exciting creatures, scroll down for more.

What Is an Oyster?

If you are an oyster aficionado, you understand what it is like, how you should eat them, and know what it is. However, those who ended up in my blog post here might have never experienced oysters or had a chance to try out this delicacy.

Oysters are popularly known as shellfish or salt-water bivalve mollusks. These sea creatures have unique shells that are irregularly shaped and highly calcified. In reality, an oyster is a general name for varied shellfish families.

Oysters are famous as a delicacy, and several gastronomes love divulging this taste combined with their favorite wine or other alcoholic drinks. As a result, you will frequently find oysters served raw as appetizers on a plate full of ice alongside a few common ingredients. However, several recipes are created with oysters, ranging from easier to complicated ones.

There are a few pearl-making oysters, and if you wish to know the secret behind this, you need to scroll through our ridiculously long list of oyster facts.

Oysters play an integral part in the coastal and marine environments; however, they face several threats, from the changing ocean conditions to pollution to raking. Therefore, it is essential to start restoring the reefs and protecting the oyster habitat.

Frozen oysters to oven


History of Oysters

Several people easily get scared off by the look of oysters, especially if they have never tried them before. It is the weirdest angle I often encountered while hanging out with my friends in joints serving seafood. My blog aims at helping first-timers to start their oyster-eating journey.

Oysters have been around for more than millions of years. Fossil proofs date back to the dinosaur era. However, it was not until the Stone Age that they were discovered as food for humans. People during this age would often start by roasting the oysters on top of the fire.

Archaeologists have often discovered that these people had used sharper tools or stones to pry open the oyster shells. Even evidence shows burn marks on the exterior part of the shells.

Oysters were considered a luxury among the Romans and Greeks. However, the Greeks considered their delicacies and connected them to the tales of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love. Aphrodite was witnessed to have emerged from the ocean on a giant oyster shell.

It was in the early 19th century when oysters came in cheap and were primarily consumed by people of the working class. So it was throughout the 19th century when New York Harbor, considered the oyster beds, became the primary source of oysters globally.

About six million oysters were discovered across the flatboats tied along the city’s waterfronts during the late 19th century. Oysters helped initiate the restaurant trade in New York City as they were naturally prevalent across the city.

The popularity of the oysters has placed ever-increasing demands on the stocks of wild oysters. The scarcity resulted in increased prices that diverted them from their fundamental role as working-class food to their current status as priceless delicacies.

These salty ocean creatures are in vogue on the culinary scene as they positively impact the environment, whether you eat them as a Rockefeller or raw. So let me share an extensive list of cool facts about my new fav mollusks.


Facts on Oysters

Gear up to become an epicure since, after going through my post on oyster facts, you will start impressing your whip-smart family and friends with your knowledge of oysters. You might even begin transforming your way of eating oysters and exploring the taste buds you never knew were there.


Oyster’s Early Past

  1. Oysters formed during the Triassic period.

The length of an oyster measured about 12 feet. They dated back to about 200 million years earlier, during the Triassic period. They grew on the latest coral reefs at the shallow depths, eventually evolving into the smaller, reef-forming creatures we adore today.

  1. Humans enjoyed oysters for 164,000 years, as noted by the archaeologists

Author Jonathan Swift said, “he was a bold man that first ate an oyster.” Still, in reality, humans had savored oysters since the Mesolithic period, and it was noted that humans had pried open the shells with rocks. At the same time, archaeologists discovered the consistent fire-scorched marks that suggested that humankind had dined on the roasted oysters for a long time before these slimy creatures were on their half shells, presently known as oysters Rockefeller.

  1. Shells of an Oyster Were Used As Mortar

New York City had an overabundance of oysters and their gigantic shells till the 1700s. There were numerous oversized oysters, and then New Yorkers started repurposing the discarded shells into mortar paste. The mortar paste made from oysters was used for building all kinds of buildings across the city, and Trinity Church is the perfect example of a building constructed using oyster shells.

  1. The Romans were the first who cultured oyster reefs 2,000 years ago.

We should thank the Roman Empire for inventing oyster farming. First, they collected the seed stock near the mouth of the Adriatic Sea. Then, they got them transported back for cultivation in Italy. As a result, these oysters were commonly known as the Native Oysters found in the digs of Roman archaeology.

  1. Oysters were eaten commonly by the working class.

Oysters had lost a few of their foodiest status during the early part of the 19th century, although the Roman Empire once prized them. The working class ate oysters as a substitute for beef. In contrast, the Victorian lower classes regularly enjoyed oyster pie as their go-to meal. The city streets had lined up with the oyster establishments back in the day.

  1. Oyster cellars are worth a mention

During the 19th century, these cellars, taverns, and houses were there. However, to ensure that you are not missing out on them, the cellar owners started marking their basements. They used balloons made of bright red muslin stretched over the wire and lit by candles. A few oyster cells were respectable places to start hanging out, and a couple was divey.

  1. Pearl Street was formed due to oysters

Do you remember the minor street in Fidi? A few individuals say that it derived its name from the oyster shells being crushed by the Dutch during the 1700s. However, Kurlansky mentioned that it got its name from their nearby midden. The word pearl was synonymous with wealth, and every Dutch town had a Pearl Street.

  1. Bluepoints, in general, were a marketing move

Joseph Avery had been the first credited for planting the seed oysters off Blue Point, his childhood home. Blue Points became a successful brand name in New York City, which soon turned the larger oysters from the Great South Bay to get known as Bluepoints.

  1. Oysters can save the sludge-y Hudson River

We know that oysters can filter about 30 to 50 gallons of water daily. If in case you overlooked then New York’s waterways are not precisely the clearest ones. People behind the Billion Oyster project try changing this by recycling the shells from associated restaurants and gaining them back in the water, building the oyster reefs.

  1. Fire was used for cooking oysters in the ancient times

In earlier times, humans cooked oysters on fire with primitive tools that made it tougher to start opening them to eat them raw. Archeologists believe that oysters were heated on stones, placed on a fire, and cooked till the oysters opened up.

  1. A Roman Engineer started oyster cultivation

Sergius Orata started oyster cultivation. He was a Roman engineer who was often credited with underfloor heating inventions. Due to this invention, oyster farming turned out to be a huge business.

  1. A contaminated oyster killed the Dean of Winchester Cathedral

Oysters gain nutrients from the ocean water as it travels through the gills. They start filtering more than 50 gallons of water daily, which leaves the environment cleaner. However, the oysters get contaminated by the substances in the water and developed a dangerous reputation during the early 20th century England increased water pollution.

  1. “Chesapeake stabber” was invented by the packers of Baltimore oyster

The region in Baltimore became dominated in the industry for American oysters during the 19th century, with about 90 percent of the oyster packing industry of the countries spanning more than 100 companies present in the Maryland city. The entire oysters are shipped by railroad from Baltimore to the inland towns on ice.

  1. Oysters were prescribed for Low Libido in Men by Greek Physician Galen

The Greek physician Galen prescribed oysters in ancient history to remedy the lack of desire. However, there is a greater belief that the softer milkier texture of the oysters was much like semen, and therefore eating them generates more excellent semen in men.

  1. British invented the oyster forks

Before that, even during royal dinners, oysters were eaten without any appliances and slurped from the shell’s edge. It was during the 19th century that the oyster fork became an indispensable part of cutlery, and eating an oyster without them appeared indecent. The role of the oyster form is simply auxiliary, primarily used for separating the mollusk from its shell wall.

  1. Romans had a great appetite for oysters

Roman Emperor Vitellius had once eaten about 1000 oysters in a single sitting, and it was a standard supply of oysters for the Roman orgies.

  1. Oysters are used in medicines

Since oysters are rich in their chemical compositions and beneficial properties, they include many components, whereas mollusks have medicinal applications. Therefore, the Japanese pharma companies produced concentrated extract from oysters to prepare dietary supplements that helped enhance hair and skin condition, positively affecting potency, increasing the body’s defense mechanism, and removing toxins.

  1. Virginia Oysters almost died out

During the 1800s and 1900s, there was a rapid growth in the population and river pollution that threatened the existence of Virginia Oysters as they were reducing and becoming inedible. However, around the turn of the millennium, government officials, watermen, and environmentalists came together to check out the solution to save the bay and its oysters.


Oyster Habitat & Harvesting

  1. The oyster ground gets infested by ghost shrimps

Several oyster growers would make a lot of effort to reclaim them by destroying or controlling the shrimp with chemical and physical methods if the proven oyster ground gets infected with ghost shrimp.

  1. Groups of oysters create natural habitats for other sea life

After the oysters pass the larval stages, they start attaching themselves to the robust surfaces, where they stay for the rest of their lives. These are the surfaces that become the rocks or the piers helping the oysters form beds or reefs. Whenever the oysters multiply in an area, their reefs form the best anchors to help other sea life attach to them, such as the barnacles and anemones. These attract the shrimp and smaller fishes, and they, in turn, attract the bigger fish.

  1. Commercial farming for oysters was for food

Seafood was the main reason behind oysters being farmed commercially. In several parts of the world, they are considered a delicacy. At the same time, they are mainly served raw, and when they are alive with varied condiments, including lemon juice, vinegar, cooking sauce, and others.

  1. Ice & silts affect oysters

Excessive silt and ice might lead to issues with the growth of a few oysters. At times, mud and ice are tough to deal with, specifically if they arrive in massive quantities. Ice becomes an issue when the oysters freeze into the rafts of ice and get floated away. At the same time, the silt is responsible for washing down from the mountains that smother and bury the oysters.

  1. You can harvest oysters across 8 locations

Oysters are growing throughout the Chesapeake Bay. The concentration of salt and location even causes the oysters to taste entirely different as it depends on the kind of location they are arriving from. It means that if you have a specific taste for the oyster, you can locate the one that is your favorite among different varieties.

  1. Oysters can become a Totem Animal

Oysters can become spirit guides reflecting their assertive and passive nature. The oysters signify this as a totem.

  1. Oysters redefine toughness & strength

Although oysters are smaller, they are considered the toughest creatures. It displays how we, too, should bear our lives with a robust exterior. We start retaining our emotions and individuality. It is a tough nut to crack as it symbolizes our requirement to not give in to any external forces or stress easily. It shows how we can start safeguarding ourselves when several things attack us.

  1. Oysters can help restore the shorelines

These reefs created by the oysters form a natural barrier protecting the shorelines against tides, storm surges, and erosions. These strong fortresses start knocking down at greater force and height of the ways preventing the sediments from getting washed back into the water. While about 80% of the oysters are lost globally, they are making a recent comeback. Several oysters rewound the entire projects proposed to protect these coastal cities like New York against the threats of rising sea levels due to climatic changes.

  1. Oyster farming is a tradition in Japan

The cultivation of oysters in the ancient tradition in the land of the rising sun matches well with Hiroshima being the country’s number 1 producer with the method of cultivation consisting of the use of branches and sprays of bamboo to which the larvae of oysters attach themselves. They can then get harvested after a couple of years.

  1. Oyster farming is the most sustainable method of food production

Oyster farming is considered the most sustainable food production around this work, having a low impact on the ecosystems while allowed within the natural marine reserves. There are varied cultural techniques for oysters, from deep-sea cultivation to oyster trays.

  1. Location matters

The location where the oysters came from matters the most. Oysters are rich in different flavors, depending entirely on where they arrived. Their flavors are strongly influenced by the nutrients and water they filter; therefore, even though they are noted as the same species, they have different taste buds.

General Nature of Oysters

  1. Oysters can filter water remarkably well

Oysters and several other shellfish act as natural filters for the ocean. Oysters can pace up denitrification, clean the water, enhance water clarity, and remove nitrogen. In addition, Clearwater is the best ground for marine grasses since light penetrates through it. It is even reported that an adult oyster can filter about 190 liters of seawater daily.

  1. Edible oysters do not make pearls

Pearls form whenever an irritant enters the shell of an oyster. The oyster then starts creating a substance known as nacre to safeguard itself from the hassle. The nacre builds up over time, forming pearls; however, not all oysters make pearls. So are you planning to open a half-shell to find something round and shiny? Place your best bets by ordering European flat, Pacific, or Olympia oysters.

  1. Oysters Are Finicky Eaters

Oysters are mainly omnivores. They consume a diet that comprises plants and animals. However, oysters might not eat every bit of the plant materials they encounter. They are pretty fussy or picky eaters. They are highly particular about their food selection and have their choice in a few specific plant and algae materials. For example, plankton is one of the favorite treats for oysters. Whenever they come across plankton, they will devour it. Oysters also love eating bacteria, dissolved organic matter, phytoplankton, seagrasses, and zooplankton.

  1. Oysters Can Take A Dung

Yes, Oysters poop! These salty sea creatures are filter feeders, and the wastes get collected within their shell cavities while they digest food. Alongside the waste, pseudo feces are what oysters contain. There are good bits of food that oysters fail to digest, and combined with sand, it makes up pseudofaeces. The sand gets covered by the oysters, and the significant bits of foods covered in mucus stir up to become the next poop. The oysters clap their shells together whenever they are preparing to relieve themselves.

  1. Oysters Can Change Their Gender

Oysters can easily change their sex. They vary in sex depending on customary conditions and varied physiological stressors. They might even change their gender depending on the sex of the oysters around them. It is astonishing to know that eastern oysters start their life as males. But, in the later part of their lives, they transition to becoming a female. It is even proved that Eastern oysters can change their gender more than once in their lifetime. Isn’t that amazing?

  1. Oysters are Considered Vegan By A Few

Both scallops and oysters are a part of the bivalve family; therefore, while they are considered living creatures, they lack a central nervous system. Consequently, they do not feel pain; however, a few studies argue this. There are a couple of vegans who are happy to slurp them. However, the rest claim that since oysters close their shells when they identify any threat, they might have the ability to feel fear.

  1. There are notably five species of Oysters

There are over a hundred varieties of oysters. However, you might not have understood that these hail from the distinctive five species. At the same time, all those are the Pacific Oysters, European Flat Oysters, Atlantic Oysters, Olympia Oysters, and Kumamoto Oysters. Apart from growing in water, these bivalves are entirely different from one another due to their shells.

  1. Oysters are amazingly fertile!

They release significant sperm and eggs into the water to ensure survival. Every season, female oysters release about 5 to 8 million eggs; in contrast, male adults release more significant quantities of sperm.

Oyster’s Anatomy

  1. Oysters have a 3-chambered heart

Oysters are believed to have three-chambered hearts pumping colorless blood around their fleshy form. Like fish, they breathe with the help of gills. Wild oysters live for 25-30 years, while countless do not survive that long.

  1. Oysters are bivalves

You might wonder what a bivalve is. Bivalve generally belongs to the class of animals known as Bivalvia. They are a class of freshwater and marine mollusks with laterally compressed bodies enclosed within a shell consisting of two hinged portions allowing the shells to close and open. The clams, oysters, cockles, scallops, and mussels are considered bivalves.

  1. Oyster shells are great for gardening

Surprisingly, oyster shells can get used in a garden. The shell of an oyster is calcium-rich, an essential ingredient for plants and flowers since it enhances the pH balance of the soil by adding plenty of nutrients. You should save the shells if you love eating oysters at home and love your plants that require fertilizing. Never throw these shells away since you can crush them till you get a fine powder and add them to the soil of your plants.

  1. Americans initially started pairing oysters with alcohol

Oddly, people initially tried pairing the spirits with oysters in the ancient New York oyster taverns in the 19th century. It was then absinthe in New Orleans, while now people are pairing them with fin gimlet and a dirty martini. In America, it was not typical to start pairing these oysters with Champagne and other fancier drinks, and hard liquor is a must-try with oysters!

  1. Oysters have a strange shape

Additionally, oysters have adductor muscles, almost like our biceps. A few oysters are more buff than the others, with more robust and bigger muscles. The powerful muscle keeps the oyster shells closer. In addition, oysters use hinge muscles to open their shells.

  1. Oysters have gills like a fish

Oysters feed by taking water in and start filtering them using their gills. Then, the process begins accumulating food which gets digested in their stomach. Oysters are capable of filtering about 10 liters of water every hour.

  1. Oysters have colorless blood

It is accurate as an oyster has three hearts that pump the colorless blood known as hemolymph. As a result, their kidneys can clean the blood impurities, which are transparent.

  1. Outer shells of oysters are divided into flat & cup

Flat oysters are the primary species on the Atlantic coasts from Norway to North Africa. However, in 1920, the epidemic killed almost 80% of the population. To rescue oyster farming during the 1970s, Europeans brought Spat Pacific Oysters to Japan. The shell is deeper and concave, while the clam lies within a smaller cup.

  1. Oysters have a brown or dark spot

The dark brown spot in oysters is the visible gut. These guts cannot be seen whenever they are covered with sufficient glycogen. Therefore, the lack of visibility is an indicator of the best condition.

  1. The interiors of the oyster shell have a dark patch

It is due to the presence of a parasite known as a budworm. It starts appearing in the shell as a blister or a gray track. If the blisters break, they smell like sulfur. Blisters and mud worms are not desirable, and mud work tracks mainly pose little to no serious issues; however, the blisters might break at the opening while being cooked, tainted, and ruin the product. Therefore, the badly blistered oysters should get discarded.

Health Benefits of Oysters

  1. Oysters come with various health benefits

Before you stretch this statement, you should know that you will not get turned on by slurping on an oyster. But this is a sexy bivalve packing a wallop of zinc essential to make you feel good and get filled with energy. Zinc is a natural booster to your sex drive, and it raises your immune system, eliminates acne, eases rashes, and helps strengthen your bones.

  1. There are bad oysters out there

Sometimes my friends called in sick due to a bad oyster. Unfortunately, it appears that bad oysters are a real thing, and there is nothing that you can do to avoid it. You should never eat raw shellfish sitting under the sun or in a warm room for a long time. However, if you are cautious regarding this, you can still become sick from oysters. In addition, you might face food poisoning from the bacteria growing along the coast or in estuaries that locate the oysters.

  1. They work as a booster of bone health

Oysters have higher phosphorus, zinc, calcium, selenium, copper, and iron levels. All these aid in increasing bone density, helping fight off bone conditions and osteoporosis.

  1. Oyster reefs are in grave danger

Oysters are free-floating creatures attaching right to the piers, rocks, and other rigid surfaces where they form massive reefs. These reefs help create the proper conditions since hundreds of other marine species thrive. They are a rich food source and natural water filters and act as storm protection. The population of wild oysters is in great danger as they might become extinct due to overfishing, pollution, and changes in the climate. It can have a devastating effect on its numbers.

  1. Oysters help to reduce body weight

Proteins in oysters help manage and reduce the body’s weight. Studies have found that higher protein meals promote satiety by reducing their energy intake and aiding in weight loss. The function is mainly attributed to two hormones: ghrelin and cholecystokinin.

  1. Oysters help regular blood sugar levels

As already mentioned, protein-rich foods can help improve satiety and reduce energy intake, and they, in turn, can help manage the levels of blood sugar. Besides, a protein-rich diet effectively reduces hemoglobin levels, a compound associated with blood sugar levels in subjects with type-2 diabetes. Furthermore, these subjects experienced weight loss through decreased blood pressure when they followed this diet for about six months.

  1. It helps improve the levels of antioxidants

Oysters have their unique antioxidant noted as 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl alcohol (DHMBA). It is a phenolic compound that assists in reducing oxidative stress from the cellular levels. But, there is research about the effects of DHMBA, which is in its early stages. However, evidence shows that it might help start preventing cellular death due to oxidative stress.

  1. Oysters help reduce the risk of Lower Cardiovascular Diseases

The omega-3 fatty acids in oysters might help reduce the triglyceride levels in the blood. The FDA had approved both prescriptions for the omega-3-rich acid agents aiming to lower triglyceride levels. Studies even show that the intake of oysters might help reduce cholesterol and total cholesterol levels besides increasing good cholesterol levels. In addition, it enhanced the lipid profile, which aided in reducing cardiovascular disease risks.

  1. Oysters help in the embryonic growth

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to determine the gestational period in pregnant women, and it is because they are vital building blocks of the retina and fetal brain. Additionally, they might help enhance fetal health by increasing the birth weight and prolonging the gestational period. So it was in cases where the mother might fail to fulfill the pregnancy for various reasons. But, studies are required in this regard to draw highly definitive inferences.

  1. Oysters are rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Oysters contain various vitamins and nutrients, including protein, zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin A, and selenium. In addition, they have higher levels of vitamin B12, monounsaturated fats, and iron, a healthy fat found in olive oil.

  1. Oysters are unimaginably strong

When oysters are grouped, they form reefs. They work as a solid natural barrier absorbing energy from the smashing waves. About 93% of energy gets used. So, does this make you want to stop eating the oysters by gathering them to safeguard against the next hurricane on the list? Since this is what a few people consider doing while breeding oysters to save property from water damage?

  1. Oysters have therapeutic powers

The higher zinc content might make these oysters vital to start caring for wounds. Zinc is essential for our bodies to heal on their own, which includes faster wound healing rates. It also boosts the immune system to safeguard our body against various microbes and infections. It is an essential mineral for better growth and development among kids and adults, along with maintaining the bodily functions of people of all ages.

  1. It helps increase blood circulation

Oysters are a rich source of iron, as noted by the studies. 100 gm of iron in oysters can range around 6mg. It is close to the daily requirement of 8 mg for postmenopausal men and women, and Premenopausal men and women might need double the quantity. Iron is a significant component that forms the body’s red blood cells. It works as the primary defense against anemia, also known as iron deficiency leading to fatigue, stomach disorders, and general weakness of the muscle.

  1. They Prevent you from catching a cold

Zinc is mainly a mineral essential for your immune functioning. At the same time, it can safeguard you from the common cold and flu. As a result, oysters are packed with them. In reality, they have the highest levels of zinc, as a single oyster contains more than half of the daily recommended allowance of zinc for adults.

  1. Oysters can boost your energy.

Oysters contain a rich amount of B12 vitamins, which help in boosting energy and turn the food we eat into energy. However, the studies note that 15 to 40% of Americans do not have adequate levels of B12 for optimal health. In addition, oysters contain iron that helps the body transport oxygen to individual cells offering an energy boost.

  1. Oysters are best for treating anxiety

Studies show that people suffering from anxiety have low zinc levels, and supplementing a person’s diet with zinc enhances anxiety-related symptoms. Oysters are zinc-rich food, with three oysters offering 200 percent of your daily requirements.

Some Hard Oyster Facts

  1. Oyster population is reduced worldwide due to diseases and overharvesting

Oystermen introduced foreign oyster species to restock the supply when the demand for oysters outstripped the supply in 20th-century New York. Sadly, it created pathways for diseases by increasing the sedimentation from erosion that destroyed significant parts of the oyster reefs in New York.

  1. Oysters lead to reef formation

The oyster spat or the Juvenile oysters require a more challenging substrate for attaching to help mature them. The matured shells of oysters offer the settlement cues for these free-floating spat. In contrast, the oysters connect, forming reefs while developing and growing.

  1. Oyster reefs can prevent erosion and flood

Oyster reefs buffer the wave energy by promoting the deposit of sediments. In addition, it allowed the areas with seagrass to start growing in areas where marshes are forming, thereby preventing erosion and flooding. They even act as a natural breakwater due to their physical structure absorbing the force of the waves against any resulting erosion or storms. Studies from the Gulf of Mexico indicate that the oyster reefs can reduce the energy brought about by the high-power waves by about 76 to 93 percent.

  1. Oyster reefs are restored by recycling

There is a lot of hope, although the depletion of the oyster reefs is essential. The recycling of the oyster shell is highly potential and an effective way to start restoring the oyster reefs and marine habitats. These oyster shells from the events and restaurants should get quarantined in the water, promoting the formation of new reefs.

  1. An acidic environment is harmful to oysters

Seawater has a lot of acidities, leading to the early death of oyster larvae. A few other oysters do not grow or form shells in this acidic environment. Sadly, the ocean starts absorbing more carbon dioxide leading to a change in water chemistry. Since then, the sea has become more acidic, making things more demanding for the life of other oyster larvae.

  1. We are witnessing a reduction in oysters

It is noted through the surveys that the Chesapeake Bay loses about 2600 acres of oyster beds every year. On the Pacific Coast, invasive species of snails and crabs destroy the native oyster beds. In addition, it contributed to the demise of the oyster beds present worldwide due to global warming that increased the ocean’s acidity, making it challenging for oysters to survive.

  1. The reef is recovering slowly

The human and natural impacts are leading to the destruction of several oyster reefs. Several restoration projects are underway in the US to continue making the oyster reefs thrive. The growth of oyster reefs increased by 212%, while the marine life on the oyster reef is also growing.

  1. Always keep your consumption of oysters in check

Oysters are the most irresistible dish on your plate. However, only six oysters every person forms the average consumption by humans as the main course, and when they are served as appetizers, about three to four every person is enough for consumption. The dozens of oysters are excessive.

  1. You should avoid strong spirits with oysters

You should drink beer along with oysters. However, you can also select soft drinks or wine since strong spirits never help the digestion of oysters.

  1. Oysters can make a person intoxicated

Oysters have the potential to intoxicate a person due to their greater content of alcohol and other minerals and proteins that can send the level of blood alcohol skyrocketing at an incredible speed.

Oysters & Pearls

  1. Natural pearls are considered the rarest jewels in the world

Whenever we are only thinking about the natural pearls being formed within the Oysters instead of the pearls being cultivated in a lab, they are, in reality, the rarest form of gemstones. There are less than 1 in every 10,000 wild oysters that contain pearls. The entire population of these wild oysters stays affected by the previous overfishing that increases the rarity associated with the natural pearls.

  1. The most expensive pearl in the world is valued at $100 Million

These have been kept under their owner’s bed for about a decade since it is their lucky charm; the officials hardly discovered the pearl until 2016. The house where the pearl got stored was burnt down while the fisherman located this pearl on the Philippines coast. The pearl has a fantastic valuation, the largest pearl ever, measuring about 26 inches in length and weighing more than 5 stones.

  1. Cleopatra used the pearl to win a bet

Cleopatra claimed she had the chance to host the most expensive dinner in this history. It was during this time that she understood that owning two of the massive pearls came into existence, and she started to work as a pair of their earrings. She had ordered her servants to obtain the highest potential vinegar and dissolve single pearls in this solution. She even proceeded to drink whatever was witnessed as the most expensive cocktail.

  1. Pearl diving was considered quite dangerous

Occupational diving has become subject to strict rules and regulations since the legislation maximizes the diver’s safety, including the pearl divers. But, these divers earlier had risked shark attacks frequently. As noted by National Geographic, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the mortality rates for divers are believed to stagger at 50%.

  1. Pearls Are Not Always White

While we imagine a pearl, we mainly think about the white iridescent gem. However, the pearls had not been white color at all times. They range from pink to brown and even black. So what creates these different colors? The hue entirely depends on the kind of mollusk that made them and the water in which it lived.

  1. Round Pearls are extremely Rare

To locate the perfectly round pearl, it is very fortunate that the pearls are the rarest and the most valuable ones. Therefore, they mainly arrive in shapes like semi-round, drop, button, baroque, circled, and oval.

  1. Pearls form when smaller pieces of sand enter the shell

The tiniest grain of sand leads to the production of a pearl, and oysters and mussels produce pearls. A grain of sand enters the shell, and a substance known as nacre gets secreted to surround them all. The creature present inside the shell is highly vulnerable and soft. Therefore, you should safeguard them from the abrasive sand. The pearls form as the layers of nacre start building around the grains of sand.

  1. There are four types of pearls having their unique characteristic

Freshwater pearls are the common ones that make them the highly affordable type of pearl. The more conventional type is the Japanese Akoya pearl, which has a distinctive spherical shape and shine. Black pearls or Tahitian pearls are discovered in French Polynesia and arrive in stunning shades of blue, green, grey, and purple. The South Sea pearl is the last and is present in massive varieties.

  1. Natural pearls are found in about one of every 10,000 oysters.

Pearls are infrequent occurrences in nature and were made rarer during the 1930s when oyster beds were over-harvested and severely depleted to meet consumers’ increasing demand. As estimated, for every ton of oysters harvested, only three or four of them will have pearls of gem quality.

  1. Natural & cultured pearls are of equal quality

Cultured pearls are cheaper since they are not considered rare, while clams and oysters can produce pearls. In contrast, a few species of oysters are more likely to form pears, while the others get harvested mainly for serving food.


Eating Tips

  1. Oysters are edible all year round

Oysters are the best for you as they have higher contents of zinc. It is excellent for our immune systems, along with vitamin C, calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and proteins.

  1. Oysters are enjoyed with a knife.

Oysters are enjoyed raw the way they are right out of their shell. Surely they match well with the dressing or are wrapped in bacon or grilled for an entirely different taste experience.

  1. Oysters have rich flavors influenced by the environment and water in which they are residing

Rainfall, tides, temperature, and the algae they feed on, are the elements impacting the flavors. In addition, the neighboring farms produce massive oysters. As a result, they are identical to terroir, commonly used to describe wines’ unique flavor profiles.

  1. Oysters find it harder to grow their shells

The rise in seawater acidification results in the ocean absorbing more carbon dioxide. It is similar to hurting the ability of oysters to start spawning in the wild, leading to the formation of shells.

  1. Oysters on the menu refer to a luxury course.

As mentioned, oysters are considered a fine delicacy. Moreover, they are considered rich in their varieties as they contain minerals and vitamins. For instance, oysters are more likely to have massive vitamin B complexes and magnesium and zinc levels.

  1. Oysters are the most popular food

Oyster stays are the most popular globally loved foods. People consume about two billion pounds of oysters and often eat about 30000 pounds during the Whitstable Kent’s Oyster festivals, which lasted five days.

  1. There are methods to eat an oyster

Any seasoned chef or seafood enthusiast will offer you this advice regarding oysters. First, they should get eaten during the months with the R-word, such as February, March, April, and the works. Do you wonder why? The answer is due to their better tastes in the winter months.

  1. The ranchers created a rocky Mountain Oyster dish

A few initial ranchers started inhabiting the West, requiring inexpensive food sources; therefore, they started experimenting with varied cuts and portions of meat. Since they did not waste any part of the animal, they began to cook these testicles with branding coals. Do you know about this? They are considered a delicacy.

  1. There is a reason why oysters are served on ice

Ice can hold the oysters upright so they do not lose the liquor of their shells which keeps them more relaxed. The chilled oysters are safe to eat while they taste better. Any mignonette, cocktail, and another type of sauce should get chilled. Place the oysters on ice carefully after shucking them.

  1. They have versatile cooking ways

The Rocky Mountain oysters are braised, sautéed, poached, and broiled as they are often pounded flat, peeled, fried, coated in flour, and drizzled with salt and pepper. These are mainly battered balls served typically in Canada with a demi-glace, and in America, they are accompanied by a cocktail sauce.

  1. You are eating raw oysters while they are still alive.

More likely, raw oysters are alive when you consume them earlier. After that, oysters start deteriorating rapidly, so chefs must serve them quickly while alive. A few varieties of shellfish survive when out of water for about a couple of weeks which is why oysters are stored under specifically regulated conditions. After they die, they are no longer safe to eat.

  1. Nothing is wrong with $1 oysters in the colder months

Just because a restaurant or bar offers a deal with an oyster does not mean that they are gross or of lower quality. A few oysters are cheaper and easier to harvest than the rest, as it is the best time to consider.

  1. Oyster Juice is famed as a liquor

Oyster liquor is the natural juice inside an oyster that helps keep them alive once they are out of water. Dumping or rinsing the liquid out of an oyster is highly unacceptable before consuming it raw. The juice is highly precious and should taste incredible, which is why it is referred to as liquor. The liquid should be served clear and not in a cloudy form.

  1. Oysters are briny and not salty

Both briny and salty are the same thing, like “salty the way seawater is salty.” Generally, East Coast Oysters are brinier than West Coast Oysters, mainly the oysters from Massachusetts and Maine; however, there are exceptions to it.

  1. Eat Oysters on its Half Shell

The oysters have served on the bottom or deeper shell to reserve the liquor or the liquid they release for surrounding themselves whenever they are removed from the water. For several individuals, drinking the liquor immediately after swallowing the oyster is the real chaser. Oysters inspire love among their devotees.

  1. You should enjoy oysters with bacon and a knife

You only require bacon or a knife to enjoy the oysters. The smaller knife and the proper pairing with the gloves can quickly help you get the oysters. You can create mouthwatering dishes steamed, grilled, or used in cocktail dishes.

  1. Oysters Rockefeller Is An Ancient Historic Recipe

The oyster Rockefeller was invented in 1899 in New Orleans with an old family-run restaurant in the US. As noted by the legend, the customers claimed it was vibrant, Rockefeller, after trying out the dish.

  1. Always choose the right sauce with oysters

Our oyster-eating experience is elevated when you pick the proper sauce. I recommend starting with the raw oysters by dripping a bit of lemon juice and understanding the authentic taste. However, other sauces make your experience unique.

  1. Always chew your oyster

You might have often checked in movies that people slurped oysters in a single shot, almost identical to an alcohol shot. But, we would recommend you against slurping and take some time to chew oysters.

  1. Choose the best alcohol to go with oysters

For the drink, you start pairing the right flavors with oysters, like the way you match the sauce that goes with it. I recommend you select white wine or Champagne, as it goes well with oysters.

  1. Make sure that you are ordering half shell

There is nothing to deny about the taste of an oyster as they are the healthiest and most sustainable option that matches your next occasion, whether you are new in the world of raw oysters on the half shell or when they are one of your favorite meals.

  1. You have sharper senses when you eat an oyster

Your senses become sharp, including taste, touch, sight, and smell. You should carefully start unlocking the oyster while it makes sure that it is excellent before eating them. You can stay focused and grasp every signal this world is sending you. You become highly engaged and present instead of watching soccer while absentmindedly slapping the nachos right into your mouth.

  1. Oyster flavor comes in 3 stages

We might start getting ahead of ourselves since the flavor of oysters are often like perfume notes that arrive in three stages, and the texture is involved in stage 2. The initial stage requires salt, the second involves sweetness, and the third has fruit or floral touches.

  1. Several oysters are sweet

Oysters never enter the dessert courses. There are times when sweet in this regard to the oyster is the euphemism and never a salty one. It might often sound better instead of considering the oyster as bland. However, a few oysters have the most discernible sweetness, and most people agree that a sweeter oyster is the best option. In contrast, this sweetness is driven by the season.

  1. The mignonette sauce is the common condiment for oysters

The most typical condiment is the mignonette sauce, which combines minced shallot, black pepper, and vinegar. You can spread them on top of the meat and create magic.

  1. Cook the oysters properly before you consume it

Always make sure that the oyster is thoroughly cooked before you consume it. Suppose you have no idea whether the oyster is cooked or not. In that case, you should wait till the restaurant offers you the piece of pumpernickel bread with acidity present in the bread that kills bacteria on the raw oyster.

  1. Always cook your oysters well

Make sure that oysters are cooked using the best methods as it starts killing the existing bacteria in the shell. The highly appropriate way to cook raw oysters includes grilling, poaching, and steaming them. Never should you fry, boil or microwave it as it is the best way to cook the oyster while it never kills the bacteria existing.

  1. Always gets the freshly shucked oysters

Always make sure you buy freshly shucked oysters from a reputable restaurant since they are cooked within just a few hours of being opened. The frozen or pre-shucked oysters are stored for a couple of months without harming the quality. But, if you purchase frozen oysters, ensure that they are frozen using a cruel way to kill any bacteria present, ensuring their safer consumption.

  1. Raw oysters always carry an expiry date

Whether you believe it or not, oysters expire, and it is vital to check that they are never outdated. The shelf life of a raw oyster is one while, after which it gets spoiled and develops an unpleasant taste and smell.

  1. Raw seafood is extremely dangerous

Always beware of all types of raw shellfish or seafood which is never prepared for proper consumption. For example, if you start buying the shucked oysters, always ensure that no blood is present within the shucks if they are thoroughly cooked, and then make sure that there are no changes to the color or any discoloration around the meat’s edges.

  1. Oysters and champagnes are a match made in heaven

The styles of ultra-dry champagnes without adding wine solution or sugar are often the ideal choice for consumers. The best alternative to the super dry champagnes is the non-vintage wine which is on the dry side; however, it still has acids and natural sugars from grapes from the vineyard.

  1. Oysters might have a metallic taste

The metallic taste is what you should experience while eating an oyster that represents its minerality which is a product from where it is raised. For instance, oysters from stone or rock bottoms taste differently than those from waters with sandy or muddy bottoms.

Fun Facts on Oysters

  1. They are referred to as the couch potatoes of the sea

After the oysters become adults, they attach themselves to the surface, where they stay for the rest of their lives. For humans, it is something people frown on; however, for them, it is just the way of life.

  1. Oysters live for 20 years in captivity

Oysters can spawn within the initial years of their life as they reach their prime spawning size by the time they are about three years of age. The oyster uses environmental clues to start their ripening process during the early springtime, and these cues involve warm waters and salinity above 10 portions every thousand.

  1. Oysters belong to a species of keystone

Keystone species are considered one on which their ecosystem relies. It is to the extent that if they were made extinct or removed, their habitat would collapse or change completely. When they are grouped, an oyster reef or an oyster bed offers an architectural structure serving as a natural habitat for various life forms. Several animals, such as barnacles, hooked mussels, and sea anemones, live in these oyster reefs, finding and reproducing protection against predators.

  1. The growth period of an oyster is important

The growth period of the oysters is under constant supervision since the growth of an oyster requires more significant space and larger areas for its bed. In addition, it is safeguarded against natural predators, from the winkles and skate to starfish, crabs, and seabirds.

  1. Oysters Can Hear

According to research, the scientists subjected oysters to higher and lower-frequency sounds. Unfortunately, these oysters never responded to the higher frequency of the sounds. But, the low-frequency sounds made by the ships, wind turbines, or human-caused explosions might cause these oysters to start clamping their shells closed to prevent noise pollution.

  1. Shakespeare’s plays mention oysters

The common motivational phrase for encouraging someone to check out various opportunities in front of them is “The world is your oyster.” So it is exciting that oysters are featured in daily conversation. However, this spotlight was mainly shone on the creature by one of the most famous writers in history, William Shakespeare.

  1. They safeguard against the climatic changes

We understand that oysters can filter water. But, it is essential as the residual water is the matter filtered out, nitrogen, that generally enters the water as fertilizer runoff. Although discussions around such climatic changes typically focus massively on carbon, nitrogen’s impact should also not be ignored. At the same time, nitrous oxide is over 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, ranked third on the list of hazardous greenhouse gases.

  1. It takes two years to harvest an oyster

Nothing is equivalent to oyster lamb. It takes about 24 months to get 4in market size, and you might lose half of every cultivated crop, which involves serious love labor.

  1. Oyster farmers are the fanciest winemakers

Oyster farmers get merroir like the French terroir, and their primary aspects involved are the water imprints on the flavor of oysters, where Mer means sea in French while Terre means the soil or Earth. So yeah, they did not think this through.

  1. They are greener than any seafood farmers

It consumes about five pounds of wild fish, generating about a single pound of edible salmon. It takes about zero pounds of everything to prepare an oyster. A single oyster filters about 50 gallons of water daily, which helps them in keeping the entire region healthier.

  1. Growing oysters can help other critters

It is never good enough that they will barely require anything for growth. At the same time, oysters reside in cages or racks, offering shelter to other underwater friends like fish or crabs.

  1. The same kind of oyster tastes entirely different as it depends on the way they are bred

The American or Eastern Oysters are mainly found up and down the coast from Canada to Argentina, where you can bet that these britches might not taste the same. Oysters are specific to the site, like the pinot noir. The northern cold water oysters have sweeter meat, while the May River Oysters in sunny South Carolina bursts with brininess. A few might also have a nut-like flavor which appeared weird to me!

  1. Oysters are connected to the eternal love

Goddess Aphrodite, in Greek mythology, emerged out of an oyster giving these favorite bivalves a lot of prominences. The ancient Romans even traded them for gold. So, where does the exchange rate go in modern times?

  1. Oysters have quality Aphrodisiac

There are various types of research suggesting that oysters might have the quality of being Aphrodisiacs. The grade helps in connecting with reproductive success. In addition, the food offers you a particular variety of amino acids.

  1. Oysters are great for the environment.

Oyster farms can improve the quality of the bays and oceans, unlike a few fish-farming operations allowing the nonnative species to escape into the surrounding ecosystems and spread diseases. It is this way since the oysters in offshore farms feed on particulate nutrients and matter that might in some way pollute waterways. So, always choose farmed oysters while shopping, where you might also avoid depleting wild populations at risk from invasive snails and crabs.

  1. Oysters have a law of their own Unique Law

Oysters have their unique law, created in the United Kingdom in 1808. The law sentenced the theft of oysters by transportation or prison.

  1. Oyster Shells Are The Best Food For Your Plants

You should think before tossing the empty oyster shells in the garbage. Consider it a rich source of calcium that works wonders for your plant. Next time you notice the healthier-appearing veggies in your kitchen garden with brighter flowers in the pot, silently thank those oyster shells for offering additional nutrients to the soil.

  1. Oysters Require No Additional Flavouring

As noted by the oyster puritans, a true connoisseur of oysters would never add any additional garnishes on oysters except for a dash of lemon juice. The art involved in enjoying an oyster dish is to help retain the original salty taste and not suppress them with any additional vital ingredients. You will start enjoying them as they should have been once you get their hand out.

  1. The oyster industry offers varied and huge uses

Contrary to public opinion, oysters are not killed for harvesting pearls. The pearl oysters were farmed mainly in a highly controlled environment while these pearls were removed gently. The farmers often are extremely careful and highly cautious that they are not harming the oyster while removing pearls. While it ages, these pearls start developing within their shells to become highly valuable.

  1. Oysters start to adapt to the environment they are in

Oysters often tend to consider the characteristics of water wherever they are growing. For example, the West and East Coast oysters are entirely different, with the Eastern coast oysters being smaller, milder, and saltier in their flavor and the West Coast oysters being creamy and rich.

  1. Rocky Mountain Oysters are not considered bivalves of the sea

The Rocky Mountain oysters are not at all an oyster. They are mainly mammal testicles and commonly arrive from pigs, bison, sheep, and bulls.

  1. A few oysters are better than the rest

The Totten Virginia Oyster is a part of the transplant operation on the waters of Oyster Bay in the Totten Inlet near Shelton, Washington. As noted by the experts, 27th November 2012 witnessed increased ocean acidity levels that posed severe threats to shellfish and other marine lives. Washington state needs to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, keeping this polluted runoff out of the marine waters and increasing their monitoring over the hatcheries.

  1. Always order the oysters in the mail to get the best

It may sound counter-intuitive, but the best way to attain super-fresh, high-quality oysters is by calling them directly from growers. They will FedEx them to you overnight or on second-day delivery. This way, you know they are fresh and are one, two, or three days out of the water.

  1. The American oysters arrive from the same species

Oysters harvested out of the Gulf of Mexico, the Chesapeake Bay, and off the coast of Virginia have all the same oysters or Crassostrea virginica. These species of oysters are native to the East and Gulf Coast. But, it does not indicate that they will have the same taste.

  1. Earlier, Gulf oysters had different names

You might have tried the Quonset Points or the Blue Points other than the Gulf Oysters. These include the same species of oysters; however, they are named after the specific locations in which they are harvested. There was a time when Gulf oysters got their name from particular bays. However, their distribution started grouping them under the same category, which might change in the future.

  1. Spring is the perfect time when a young oyster searches for love.

Oysters spawn with the rise in temperature in Spring. Females release millions of eggs, males have even more sperm, and a few lucky gametes meet in the open water. Fertilized eggs develop into microscopic larvae, a bit more than tiny black specks feeding on algae, drifting on tides and currents for three weeks. Then, if they survive their predators, the larvae attach to a hard surface, most likely other oysters, transforming into tiny oysters or spat. Oyster larvae never find a place to settle in areas where reefs have declined.

  1. Oysters come in great qualities

Texture, mineral or marine plant flavor, and degree of salinity or sweetness determine the quality of a raw oyster. Conventionally, oysters are presented six to a plate arranged on their lower shell around a piece of lemon. The addition of condiments varies.

  1. Shucking the Oysters

Shucking an oyster is a tough job, mainly because the shucking knife and oyster need a significant amount of strength to master; however, the idea is simple. First, the oyster is held down under a deep shell preserving the liquor as much as possible. Next, the knife is slipped between these shells, which are pried open. Finally, you can remove the oyster with a fork by cutting the muscles and attaching the meat to the upper and lower shells.

  1. Oysters have treasures within

Along with being a part of fine delicacy, oysters are even considered treasure chests. Almost any oyster forms pearls. The researchers believe that parasites that enter the shell or other types of damage might create a cyst within the shell. The shell is made of material separating them from the spot, with fluid deposited around the irritant across each layer, forming a pearl. Oysters take about two years to make a pearl, of which around 10% get commercially used for creating jewelry.

  1. Oysters are responsible for forming a community

Oysters are extremely happier whenever they are in a community of their peers. The communes are formed, known as a reef offering the oysters and several species a home. Various other invertebrates and fishes join quickly to locate the best shelter within the nooks and crannies of these reefs.

  1. The green thing in oysters are gills

If you ever came across an oyster that consisted of the green-tinted gill, consider yourself lucky. The greenish color comes from the specific kind of blue diatom the oysters eat. It is never harmful to slurp oysters such as this, as the flavor is highly sought after.

  1. Innovative Ideas for Oyster Houses

There are various ways to create a new home for oysters and restore the coral reefs. The remediation projects include every measure for creating additional oyster habitats. The more popular remediation projects included the construction of the rocky shores with the addition of grass for creating the spat set for developing the oyster larvae.

  1. Harvest Oysters Correctly can help safeguard Other Species

Harvesting the oysters is a fantastic phase. But, if you are harvesting oysters, you need to do the right thing, safeguarding the environment’s ecosystem. Several experienced people are sharing the catch of oysters with a dredge or the tong as the ideal option. Fishing should get done following the set amount and should not become destructive or overfished. The improper harvesting method places these oysters at greater risk of extinction, hurting the other species.

  1. US homes to the five largest oyster farms

Along with oysters living in the wild, they are farmed in the US East, West, and Gulf Coasts. There are varied kinds of oysters becoming the inhabitants of the oyster reefs. You can get better meat quality at the Crassostrea Gigas, and Crassostrea Virginia has oriental oysters occurring in abundance across Florida and Mexico.

  1. Oil proves fatal for Oysters

The gamete’s larval embryo is damaged due to Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that kill young or adult oysters. It was demonstrated after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The unexpected oil spills at sea start polluting the environment by significantly reducing the number of oysters.

  1. Trusting in Your Charm

Some people discuss that oysters are aphrodisiacs in men. But, no scientific study has proven that oysters are responsible for increasing male libido until now. Oysters consist of phosphorus and zinc, which increase endurance in humans and the production of testosterone.

  1. There are millions of oysters living in our waters.

There are more than 200 different species of oysters that are living in our ocean beds, and it is an incredible thing that they might not have been ultimately discovered yet.

  1. They help transform and build habitats.

Numerous marine creatures rely on oysters to keep the water breathable and clean. A few animals are building these habitats thanks to their hard work, whereas an average oyster includes the humble mussels.

  1. An oyster lives up to 20 years in captivity.

Oysters can spawn within their first year of life, reaching a large spawning size by the time they are three years old. After that, an oyster uses environmental cues to start the ripening process in early Spring. These cues involve warmer waters, preferably between 20 to 30°C and at salinity above 10 parts every thousand.

  1. Oysters have a strange body shape

It is pretty tough to imagine since they are very simple and small; however, they have strange and complex bodies as the oysters are bivalve animals having hinged shells, and there are only about 7500 bivalve species. In addition, the oysters have eyes covering their bodies while escaping the sneakiest predators and have hearts and internal organs.

  1. Salt can help pace up oyster’s growth

We will now speak about the growth of an oyster. The oysters typically grow about an inch each year. But there are times when they grow if they reside in an area with greater salinity. The oyster can respond to the saline environment when it is a baby, and the oyster larvae get chemical and environmental cues.

  1. Oysters spawn out in open water

Spring fever is never a phenomenon among humanity. As noted earlier, the oysters get warmer, fuzzier feelings for one another in the hotter months. Whenever it is the best time, a single female oyster releases millions of eggs into the warming waters, and the males release millions of sperm.

  1. Conservation efforts are never futile

A handful of US states are joining to keep the oyster reefs from becoming distant memories on Earth. In addition, a few states in the US pitched into the conservancy programs.

  1. A Scottish estuary had held the world’s largest native oyster bed.

The oyster bed of the Firth of Forth on the eastern coast of Scotland near Edinburgh was the verified gold mine of shellfish spanning more than 150 square kilometers. Historians estimated that over 30 million oysters were harvested annually during the 1700s and sold across Europe and London.

  1. The local escargot created the classic oyster dish

The shortage of the snail drove the son of the founder of the famed New Orleans restaurant Antoine to create the innovative appetizer in 1889. First, he tried substituting the oysters with snails giving birth to Oyster Rockefeller. Instead of serving the oysters raw, they are baked in their half shell along with butter, spinach, herbs, and breadcrumbs in this dish.

  1. A few species of oysters survive on mangrove roots

There are a couple of tropical oysters, like the mangrove oyster, that stay on the mangrove roots. The low tide starts exposing them, making them easier to catch.

  1. Oysters reside in a limited space

Humans have been highly intrigued by the liminal time and places throughout history. Being liminal meant that between every threshold. Liminal times included dusk, dawn, rites of passage, and the time between life and death. These places had doorways, boundaries, and more significant thresholds. For example, an estuary is a liminal place since it is where the freshwater from the river enters the ocean.

  1. Oysters are incredible

Oysters are a rich source of iron, zinc, and food with rich lore and history. You can visit a local oyster bar, speak to the staff and learn about where and how the oysters were raised to determine the merroir between the varied oysters; also, ask for wine recommendations to pair with different types of oysters.

  1. Opening an oyster is a real art

During the gathering moment, a fresh mollusk closes its shell and keeps them closed tightly for about a couple of weeks. To open the oyster, you need to start penetrating the shell using a special knife and cutting the respective muscles. It is vital to not crush their shell and not damage the mollusk.

  1. Never cut open an oyster

Whichever size of oysters you choose, never cut them with a knife or break them with a fork. Never put the oyster onto the fork. Instead, carefully start separating the clam from the shell wall to keep them intact maximally. Oyster is similar to grapes or caviar while the beauty remains at the core and without losing any drop of liquor.

  1. You can freeze an oyster

You might freeze an oyster; however, once it is thawed, the meat’s texture becomes softer, while these oysters are not suitable for being eaten raw. Frozen oysters, however, are highly acceptable whenever they are cooked.

  1. Oysters are used for preparing food supplements

In a similar term, oyster shells, at times, are used for preparing food supplements to aid people with clinically lower levels of calcium. Oyster shell calcium starts regulating the heartbeat and blood pressure. Some accessories are made explicitly for farm chickens or poultry.

  1. Irritation often leads to value & beauty

Pearl oysters are closely linked with food oysters. When any smaller irritant, such as a grain of sand, enters the interior of the oyster shell, the animal covers them with nacre, the substance forming within the shell’s inner lining. Pearl forms with the addition of several more layers.

  1. Harvesting oysters in the proper way do not harm other species

The Eastern oysters from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida are rated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch, caught by the tong or dredge as the best choice. The oysters harvest bycatch safeguards the marine life seen along with the target intended.

  1. Oil proves lethal to the oysters

Production of Oysters in the Gulf of Mexico has reduced significantly every four years following the oil spill disasters. Sperm, larvae, and eggs were exposed to the oil and dispersants during the oil spill in 2010, which resulted in a massive increase in the death toll among oysters.

  1. Oysters are home to tiny crabs

Tiny crabs can reside inside the oyster’s gills. They use the oyster as protection while living on the food that oysters get for themselves. These crabs are considered an edible delicacy in seafood.

  1. Spats & Oysters the same

Baby oysters that are less than 1 inch long are known as spats. In the larvae form, they attach themselves to harder surfaces. Once they are glued, they gain the spat name till they become juvenile oysters, which mainly takes about a year.

  1. Oyster to Oyster Pails

The paper containers for Chinese food are called oyster pails since they were initially developed when the oyster sellers shucked the oyster before selling them. Raw meat from an oyster was required for making sanitary and leak-proof containers.

  1. Contradictions & harm

Those eating raw oysters need to know that every thermally unprocessed food contains many microbes, which have a negative effect. Therefore, oysters should be alive as finished products lose their beneficial properties.

  1. Oysters can get poisoned

As noted by the practices, cases of seafood poisoning are pretty uncommon. For this reason, you should always visit reliable cafes and restaurants that value their reputations by offering their guests quality services, mainly related to food. In addition, it is recommended that cooking takes place in the visitor’s presence.

  1. You can eat river oysters

While resting by the river, you cross the seashells known as river oysters. The phrase conjures overseas delicacies and is associated with suitable food.

  1. The love for oysters is great

People adore oysters, consuming over two billion pounds of mollusk each year globally. Between 1990 and 1996, Americans ate about 50 million pounds of oysters.

  1. Pacific Oysters are meant for the fish market and restaurant

The Pacific oysters have been farmed on a massive scale in the Oosterschelde since the 1960s. These are considered as creuses in the Dutch market. These oysters are well-suited for aquaculture while they start reproducing at the age of 1 while growing rapidly. The creuse weighed about 100 grams in two years and was well-suited for consumption.

  1. You can cook oysters in any way

You can cook oysters in several different ways. You can bake, roast, fry, grill, or steam them and try them out raw.

  1. Oysters signify harmony and peace

It is a peaceful and quiet creature. It is incredibly non-violent and never preys on others. It is what it shows, although these oysters have greater access to becoming highly peaceful marine critters. The waters around us might become turbulent; however, we never become a part of the stress. However, you should stay calm as we are also correctly balanced with the surrounding environment.

  1. Oysters have a triumphant struggle

The oysters turn all the negative aspects into triumphant gems known as pearls, and oysters have greater access to extraordinary abilities. We tend to begin harming ourselves from the issues that appear to start hurting us. At the same time, we learn to turn them into triumphant activities. In the same way, we can turn these negative situations into beautiful ones.

  1. Oysters have varied cultures

Oysters have been considered an aphrodisiac since the Greek and Roman civilizations. They consumed various oysters to boost their virility as terrific lovers. There are several associations with oysters being an Aphrodisiac. At the same time, they arrive from being the Goddess of love born from the sea. Several paintings symbolize the birth on top of a seashell.

  1. Oysters are linked to the celestial forces

Pearl and oysters are both linked with better things. In Christianity, these pearls symbolize the Kingdom of Heaven while connected to the lunar forces. The pearl often appears as a moon shining and is iridescent, serving as a reminder of strength and beauty.

  1. Alchemy consists of oysters

The trans-mutative powers of oysters are pretty well-known since they can transform ordinary dirt into pearls. However, there is a more significant potential sought after with the efforts of the alchemist who turns the base metals into gold. In magic and alchemy, there is a high potential for sexual energies, which they are tapped into. The power of transforming makes the oysters a powerful symbol to draw energy.

  1. You can start craving oysters

In reality, oysters are an aphrodisiac which in them causes more cravings. However, oysters contain more zinc, making people passionate whenever they are low on sodium or stressed out.

  1. Cooked or smoked oysters are safe

Raw oysters might get contaminated with bacteria causing foodborne infections. The cooked and smoked varieties never pose any serious threat since heat destroys most pathogens.

  1. Gulf oysters have different names

When I tried oysters, I came across Quonset Points or Blue Points other than Gulf Oysters. These are similar species of oysters; however, they are named after distinctive locations where they get harvested. Gulf oysters are also named after the specific bays; however, distributors started grouping them under the same category, which might change the future.

  1. Always clean your oysters carefully

Before eating the oyster, ensure they are clean and free from debris or discolorations. You can use your hands to shuck the oyster or a special Oyster knife to separate the shells.

  1. It needs no additional flavoring

The oyster enthusiasts note that the true oyster connoisseur would never add any additional garnish to the oysters except for a dash of lemon juice. The art of enjoying this oyster dish is for retaining its original saline taste and not suppressing them with any external ingredients. After you get the hang of it, you can start enjoying them as you should.

  1. Speak about oyster etiquette

Oyster etiquette is the real thing while we are here to help you show off a bit in front of the food snobs in life. First, you should accurately start describing the texture; use the words like soft, chew, firm, or gooey. The buttery, sweet, salty, briny, and metallic ones are accurate adjectives to describe the taste.

  1. Oysters can make your time memorable

Adding a glass of vino or a cocktail can get you started. If you are biased towards wine, you can pay to pair your oysters with the light sauvignon blanc or crispy Champagne. Always choose the extra brut or the brut to ensure no sugar is added. The bold cocktails have low amounts of sweetness, making them the ideal choice. Consider dirty martini, even white tequila on the rocks.

  1. Oysters were a source of employment

Oysters were responsible for offering employment to hundreds of workers and nutritious food for thousands as the oystermen of New York who became skilled cultivators of the oyster beds. Finally, the growing demand for oysters exhausted several beds. The oystermen even brought in foreign species that carried diseases to increase their population. It combined with the increasing effluent sedimentation from erosion resulting from destroyed beds during the early half of the 20th century.

  1. Cooked or smoked oysters are safe

Raw oysters might get contaminated with bacteria causing foodborne infections. The cooked and smoked varieties never pose any serious threat since heat destroys most pathogens.

  1. We can turn innovative by repairing oyster homes

There are various techniques for working on oyster reef restoration. You can shoot oyster shells from high-pressure hoses to placing bags of shells in the water. A few projects have built lines of rocks and shells to stabilize the shoreline and planted sea grass behind the reef to offer additional habitat. 

  1. Oyster Harvesting, when done right, does not harm other species

The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood watch rates Eastern oysters from Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, and Mississippi caught by dredge or tong as the best choices. The harvesting of oysters has no bycatch, with other species of marine life caught along with the intended target.

  1. Relying on your charm

Oysters being aphrodisiacs has very little truth, if any. They consist of iodine and phosphorus, which increases human stamina, and zinc acids in testosterone production. The researchers discovered that a kind of mussel related to oysters contains two rare amino acids which have been shown to stimulate testosterone and sperm motility in mice.

  1. Oysters play a significant role in the ecosystem

Although oysters are immobile, oyster reefs carry quite a burden in the water they occupy. Oysters can help clean the water for larger and more adventurous sea inhabitants. Although oysters are susceptible to prolonged periods of serious water pollution, they do their best to keep things under check.

  1. Oyster beds offer help in serious sea storms

Oysters might offer an organic alternative to the human-made sea walls built to prevent serious damage in the wake of the storm. A few researchers have explored the possibility of purposefully manufacturing and restoring oyster populations to accomplish this feat.

  1. Crassostrea genus of oysters are intersexual

These include the Pacific Oysters, who start their life as males and transform into females in the next season. They tend to stay as females by reverting to males if they choose. Both egg and sperm are released directly into the open sea water during reproduction, where cross-fertilization occurs.

Now that you know many facts about oysters, do you wish to slurp on oysters with rich flavors? Try out the Atlantic ones, as they have rich fish/mushroomy flavors that are satiating and deep!

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