Kadewe Oyster Bar in Berlin


A great place to eat oysters quickly. Although at first, it seems to be a relatively quiet place, it turns out to be quite the opposite – when the oyster bar opens at 12 noon, the place is full of people and the queue of oyster lovers is up to the second fish bar.

Otherwise, oysters are usually offered in 6 pieces, but here, as is typical for Germans, things are different – 7 pieces or you get to order one by one.

Kadewe Oyster Bar in Berlin – Busy and Tasty Oyster Bar

KaDeWe oyster bar in Berlin
KaDeWe oyster bar in Berlin

I Tried Sylter Royal and Pleiade Poget

I tried Sylter Royal and Pleiade Poget. They were great and fresh – obviously caught only a few days ago. There is no point in expecting a stylish opening of oysters from this place – they’re opened with a mechanical machine and served quickly on a regular plate.

So no ice cushion, no beautiful garnish and no shallots. All you get is a half of a lemon.

But the freshness and glass of Chablis on the menu make it perfect for a quick lunch. Bon appetit!

KaDeWe oyster bar menu in Berlin
KaDeWe oyster bar menu

Sylter Royal Oysters – Farmed in Listis, Northern Germany – Near Denmark

The only oyster farm in Germany. Due to the weather conditions in the winter, the oysters are moved to the so-called winter quarter – otherwise the ice and minus degrees will do too much and the ice clumps would simply crush the oysters. However, the taste of the oysters is very salty. The size is also suitable for oyster lovers of all suits.

Sylter Royal also has the Schleswig Holstein quality label, which means top quality. You can read more here:

I myself noted the oyster farm down to be sure to visit it in the near future.

Pleiade Poget Oysters

One decent Marennes-Oleron oyster farm that has been operating since 1967. Such a classic, a place you can always trust. Characteristic as an oyster with a regular shape, white, mother-of-pearl tone, firm and rich in taste. I have to say it was really fresh and tasted amazing.

You can read about the oyster farm itself here.

What is more exciting. The oyster opening is manually mechanized here. Obviously, since this is a crowded place, aids must be available in the kitchen.

Gratinated Oysters With Dutch Sauce and Shrimps

Gratinated oysters KaDeWe Berlin
Gratinated oysters KaDeWe Berlin

One gratinated oyster contained oysters in the minority, of course, but the dish itself is very delicious and I will definitely try to make it at home as well.

The oyster was then topped with Hollandaise sauce and a handful of shrimp and cheese. In addition, a bit of spinach as well. I initially thought that the oyster had been baked dry and gummy under this pile. But no, on the contrary.

The spinach pad kept the oyster nicely juicy and the whole dish was great. Of course, the amount of oysters was in the minority compared to shrimp.


Also check my most easy way to bake oysters in the oven here.


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